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it's a digital world, but someone's still gotta cook lunch
>>>>> QNO

QNO (@qno_apparel)

links: instagram qno apparel

35-year-old French visual artist QNO studied at the Faculty of Visual Arts of Aix-Marseille, collaborating with visual artist LOR-K in 2021 as part of a project with the Desperados foundation for urban art. He won the Artschild prize in September 2021, before 50 French and international artists. More recently, the artist has created his first line of ready-to-wear conceptual clothing.

Behind the symbols of our industrialized, digitized era, stuffed with objects of planned obsolescence, the works of QNO reveal a universe in which nature and culture no longer clash. The artist reconciles the real and the virtual, overturning what seemed intangible. The creative process itself makes sense: the digital forms are recreated manually, in an artisanal way, with natural (wood, wool) and industrial (screens, plastic bottles) elements.

Objects that seemed suffocated by the inhuman coldness of a digital impersonality finally harbor a beating heart. The matrix does not invade us, it is our creation, and the energetic exploitation it imposes is also a source of creativity that allows us to rethink reality to make a more coherent world. Post-apocalyptic perhaps, but peaceful.

Peugeot 106 twisted, from the 'ÉPURE 3D' series
Polystyrene, fibrous polyester resin, acrylic paint, acrylic wool